Need More RAM for your MasterNode? Create a Swap File for your Linux VPS!
In this video I show how to create a swap file for an Ubuntu Server v16.04 Virtual Private Server to add more efficiency and available RAM space for running multiple MasterNodes. This can be done for new or existing setups.
📘Table of Contents:
◆ 00:08 Intro
◆ 01:00 Vultr VPS Options
◆ 04:03 Updating Linux
◆ 04:36 Swap File Setup
◆ 14:41 Final Thoughts
💻Vultr VPS Hosting Service:
💻Swap Guide Article:
(Run as root)
Show active swap:swapon --show
Show free space:free -h
Check available HDD space:df -h
Create swap:fallocate -l 3G /swapfile
Modify permissions:chmod 600 /swapfile
Make swap:mkswap /swapfile
Enable swap:swapon /swapfile
To initialize on startup:echo '/swapfile none swap sw 0 0' | tee -a /etc/fstab
To improve speed & swappiness open sysctl.conf:/# nano /etc/sysctl.conf
Then add the following to the bottom of file:#Swap Configuration